Monday, April 25, 2011


I spent over an hour listening to my friend on the phone with Comcast trying to get her Internet connection working. To say it was not going well is an understatement. My friend was frustrated, impatient and repeatedly rude. The Comcast person did their best to keep the process going and achieve the end goal. At one point about 45 minutes in, my friend relaxed and began to breathe and even exchanged pleasantries with the human at the other end of the phone. She realized it was 2am in India and this person probably had a life that included some frustrations of her own and yet was doing their best to get this fixed. The entire energy in the room shifted, my friend smiled and the Internet connected.

Observation... the moment these two humans connected as such, the information flow between them became way more smooth, much more pleasant and ultimately more efficient and effective. 

Connection is the first step in effective communication. Even with Comcast.

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